Thursday, October 05, 2006

As are Aidan and Grandpa playing in the rain! Aidan really wanted to go outside, but alas it was raining. 'Fun and Games' Grandpa took him out anyway and they had a big you can see. :)

Not too much going on in Martin. John's parents were here over the weekend and left on a few days ago. So, Aidan has not been starving for attention lately. :)

He did go for his 1 year doctor appointment last week. He is the weight of a 28 month old and the height of a 23 month old. Is that big? Oh, well. :)


Anonymous said...

dad, mr. personality!!!, what cant this guy do?
da rrrrrryman

Anonymous said...

So what, he is as cute as he can be!

Jocelyn said...

I agree...he's a doesn't matter if he's the size of a 2 year old. :)