Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween! Here are pictures of Aidan in his monkey costume and Easton in his chicken costume. What cute boys...

So, I don't know if anybody looks at this anymore...but we'll give it a go. This is some of what Aidan's been up to lately. John's parents came into town at the beginning of October and we had a fun walk to the park. Aidan has also started falling asleep in his highchair if lunch isn't served early enough! He does it at home or at restaurants. And, finally, I walked into the living room one day to find that he had crawled into his toy box and was watching his Elmo video from his toy box. Craziness. We had trunk or treat last night at church and tonight is fall festival. By tomorrow night, he may be halloweened out. :) Costume pictures coming soon...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Finally, here are pictures from Aidan's birthday! It was supposed to be outside at the park, but weather was not permitting. So, we had it at the youth building at church. Everything turned out really well. Aidan cried during the happy birthday song...jury is still out on whether it was the singing or the lit candle. Anyway, he experimented with the cake, but then decided he really didn't want to be messy. He later had a cupcake with Mom and Dad...when everyone wasn't staring at him. :) There were about 25 people there...Caley came from Freed, Mom and Dad were there, then friends from church. You can see Aidan and his little buddy Garret played some pool. Fun times. When we got home, Aidan ate some lunch and then slept for a few hours...actually, we all did. :)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

As are Aidan and Grandpa playing in the rain! Aidan really wanted to go outside, but alas it was raining. 'Fun and Games' Grandpa took him out anyway and they had a big you can see. :)

Not too much going on in Martin. John's parents were here over the weekend and left on a few days ago. So, Aidan has not been starving for attention lately. :)

He did go for his 1 year doctor appointment last week. He is the weight of a 28 month old and the height of a 23 month old. Is that big? Oh, well. :)