Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You know I had to put a naked baby picture on here...well, almost naked. :) The soybean festival parade was all I had expected and more. Aidan didn't like the sirens from the fire trucks, though. We didn't make ANY of the concerts! We realized that they started at 9:00 or 9:30 and Aidan is long asleep by then. Oh, well! Aidan has a new game that he enjoys...playing catch (well, you roll the ball to him and he tries to get it back to you). So, that's fun. And he's walking pretty well now. Hard to believe he'll be one in a little over a week!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! I love the look on his face. Have fun playing ball. Are ya'll watching dancing with the stars this season?
Love ya,
Auntie Kimbo

Anonymous said...

He is cute. Playing catch will be fun. Glad the parade went well and you are learning about soybeans. We saw Diamond Rio in concert 3 weeks ago here in Jackson, well right out side of Jackson but they were really good. Hope you have a good day and I will talk to you soon. Keep me updated. Allie

Anonymous said...

After being a lurker for far too long, I am back! What a cutie patootie our Aidan is - and I am going to be with him in person next week for the birthday festivities! Can't wait, can't wait. Kimbo, yes I am watching Dancing with the Stars - go Slater!
love, grandma lin

Anonymous said...

He looks like he is saying,"Oh man, playing catch is exhausting." Love the nakedness, and he looks like the walking is making him lose his baby rolls. Wish I could say the same. And I would like to say a big Thank You to the committee who voted me as having the funniest series of blogs on the last picture. It's not easy being this air heady, but I do what I can for the people.

Jocelyn said...

Aunt Kim...I watched some of Dancing with the Stars...I definitely got to see A.C. Slater dancing.... :)

Anonymous said...

ac slaters on dancing with the stars? oh my word.!!!

Anonymous said...

the last post was from the cottage bound stud ryan