Friday, September 15, 2006

Alright...time for a survey. Good ole Ry-man has a decision to make and I'm taking a poll to help him make his decision. Here are the options and we would appreciate your opinion in the 'comments' section. :)

Should Ryan...
a) stay in his mediocre apartment that has noisy neighbors
b) get into a cool, quiet cottage of his own
c) move back home (but, don't vote for this one because Ryan doesn't want to do it)

Let your vote be heard!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I've personally seen the cottage and it suits Ryan's personality to a tee. Nice quiet country setting, his own house, a shade tree to sit out under, no drama drama of neighbors to deal with - plus, it is much easier on the pocketbook. Just by moving there he would save $840 dollars in one year. I vote cottage!


Anonymous said...

I do not know if anybody cares about my opinion, but I vote for the cottage.
I would love to be able to run and play outside under the trees. I have been to the apartment that Uncle Ry lives in and there is nowhere to play outside.
Uncle Ryan, if you read this, pick the cottage....I want to be able to come over and play outside.

your nephew,

Anonymous said...

I must say that I agree with the momster and the Eastonator. I am a BIG fan of the cottage.
Just think, if it weren't for cottages, there would be no cottage cheese.

Looks like, as of now, the vote is:

Cottage: 3
Apartment: 0


Anonymous said...

uncle ryan,

i heard that easton got a vote, and so i wanted one, too. a cottage sounds really cool. i'm with easton...i want to play outside.


Jocelyn said...

i have already voiced my opinion to ryan, but i vote hands down for the cottage. easy choice. no brainer.


Anonymous said...

The cottage sounds really neat. I have not seen it yet, but it sounds cool.....I am ready for a cookout under the trees!!!!

-Katie Belle

Anonymous said...

Being the business guru, I believe we need to be honest and set up a problem solving process to help Ryan with this decision...So, here is my shot at evaluation of this monumental decision:

Criteria JG apt Ctge M&DPlace

Cost - + too exp
Scenery - + too exp
Spaciousness - + too exp
Peacefulness - + too exp
Cookout Poss - + too exp

Results -5 +5 N/A

Ok, now that the results are in from the national survey... it is the cottage by a landslide. So, in honor of this decision, I made up a poem (one of many from my vast and diverse collection)

Roses are red
Ryan's apt is Jennifer Green
Move to the cottage
And blow that scene

All of the above has been brought to you by dear ole DAD, with love!!

Anonymous said...


Roses are red,
Daisy is brown,
The smart thing to do
Is move out of town.

Watermelons are green,
Cottage cheese is white,
If you move to the cottage,
We might come spend the night.

Grape jelly is purple,
Diarea gives me the blues,
Move to the cottage!!!!
So my vote doesn't lose.


Anonymous said...

RRRRrrrrrrrrryan! This is the Doodle speaking - barking. If you move to the cottage I will be able to run around like a crazy dog outside and not have to worry about that annoying little chihuaua that always tries to come in our house (grrrrr). Jennifer Green makes me feel undignified. Ear sniffing would just be better in a country setting.

love and licks, Doodle.

ps. got any cheese?

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen you in a while...I've been looking down on you while I've been hobbling around up here. I've seen (been told...everybody knows that I can't see) the cottage and I believe that there would be a tree that I would love to "tinkle" on....go for it.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember me, but I thought I'd give you my opinion. GO FOR THE COTTAGE!!!!
I'll drive over to see you sometime.

-Toonses, the cat

Anonymous said...

I will put you in jail if you do not move into the cottage!!!

-Officer Mike

Anonymous said...

i think he should go with the cottage. it sounds really nice and will save him lots of money, which is something he needs to do. who doesnt want to save money?! and who wants bad neighbors?! Ryan.... move to the cottage!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

In my highly respected opinion I must go with the popular vote!! A cottage setting how peaceful, what a wonderful setting for watching the tube, eating animal crackers, playing nintendo or listening to country music!! What a LIFE, ya gotta love IT! Go for it Ryan Lamar Cowboy James!!
With all my love,
Auntie Kimbo

Anonymous said...

I know my opinion probably isn't worth a can of beans (great cottage food) however, if the picture on the blog is of the cottage shouldn't it be a no-brainer. Come on that place looks amazing. I now live out in the country and I must say it is so nice. The only noise we hear is the animals around us. It is awesome and great for the body, mind and soul. It is a life of ease, and the stars are beautiful.
GO FOR IT! What do you have to lose? Try it and see.

Thanks for letting me be apart of the survey.
Say cool Ry, love Rachel Mc D ( in case you know more than one Rachel)

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is $840.00 in a year. That sure can buy a whole lot a cd's. Sounds like the move might bring more company too. And if you make the move you could probably look out your window and see dirt flying up in the air and hear barking coming from the ghost of Sam. And Uncle what's his name called me and said,"I want some chicken at the cottage."