Here are some photos of good ole Dust. These are from July when Aidan and Easton interchanged sippy cups regularly and Dustin tried to teach Aidan to stick his tongue out all the time (and obviously had some success). Fun times. I really enjoy reading the comments that yall leave...I must say it is a highlight of my blogging experience so far. :)
P.S. I never expected that everyone who looked at the blog would leave a comment, but I do have a few very 'chatty' friends who have been silent so far (katelyn, amanda, allie). But, I would NEVER use the blog to call you out. I'm just saying...
Dustin is so nice.
Dustin is so sweet.
Dustin has a phobia.
Something about feet.
This is so exciting - my first time on a blog. I once saw the movie The Blob - it was so scary (almost as scary as The Birds), but I do not think related to blogging. The picture of the Dustman is somewhat alarming, but he is holding the two cutest grandbabies in the world - I think they look like grandpa james. So as I ventured onto this blog, I pondered what is a blog. For the uneducated and those who care not, by definition a weblog (thus blog for short) is a personal journal. Jocelyn, your blogging is quite charming and enjoyable. Soooo, by the way, I blogged before the other losers you called out. I really enjoy the anonymity - I can say whatever I want. OK, so this was long - I have never blogged before and may never blog again, so I had a lot to say. I am out!!!
i gotta pee
i gotta pee
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